Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Evil Eye Jewelry

So I have been making evil eye jewelry recently to raise money to study abroad in Greece. I'm fairly new to jewelry-making but it's been going well so far! These blue eye beads are supposed to be good luck and give you protection from the "evil eye" (which is considered unlucky and something that causes injury). I love these necklaces so far and I'm just going to keep making new versions of them. If you would like to help me out in my study abroad journey, check out my Etsy shop to buy something! Find me at http://www.etsy.com/shop/ProjectGreece

I also have a new blog to track my progress in raising money for Greece. Visit it here:

Most of our jewelry is blue because it is considered a lucky color in Greece. Have you ever seen pictures of chapels in Greece with blue doors and windows? That is to keep evil out, similar to these necklaces. Pretty neat, right? You should probably buy one so that evil doesn't touch you ;)

Most of our jewelry is Greek-inspired so most of them have this cyan-blue color.

Vote for my next project to the right! ------>